Navy Yard, Washington DC

đź‘Ť doggos, critical thinking, wine, biz dev, sourdough, hiking, photography, travel, cookies, extreme athletics, social entrepreneurship, pink, digital health, Oreos, mountains, equity investing, boxing, 90s rap, athleisure, spicy margaritas, real estate, stinky cheese

đź‘Ž clickbait, astrology, city dust, celebrity gossip, sneaker culture, snark, spiders, higher education, virtue signaling, sugar-free foods, Fox News, Las Vegas, incorrect idioms, whining


Austin, TX based by way of D.C, NYC, and Long Island. I have a passion for helping people solve unique problems, build things that mean something, and making meaningful connections.

  • Current: Head of Business Development and Partnerships at MassMutual Ventures, a $1B global VC investing in founders solving unique problems across a range of industries. I practice the art of adding value to our portfolio companies with a focus on revenue growth via warm introductions to potential partners and customers. I also aim to help them meet their growth and hiring targets, assess scaling challenges, and acting as a trusted source for advice on sales, marketing and product strategy.

  • Former:

    • Head of Growth at Macro-Eyes, a machine learning startup focused on healthcare supply chain. I spent a year selling our US focused patient scheduling software to hospital systems and EMRs and refining the vaccine demand modeling product.

    • VP, Market Intelligence at Point72. I sourced unique data from start-ups, productized it to help our investing teams get better & faster at predicting changes in equities. Think: using satellite imagery to count the # of empty spots in parking lots at Walmart (but way cooler projects, emphasis on WAY).

  • Garden Leave: after working at P72 for 5+ years, I decided to take advantage of my non-compete. I travelled to 25+ countries. I worked on some really cool projects:

    • I helped a fitness startup in Singapore through their pre-seed & seed stage fundraising rounds (think due diligence, pitch deck creation)

    • I worked with an entrepreneur who owned a 10 store QSR chain in Thailand with data resolution & analytics (I am the reason why the Thailand Hooter’s serves parmesan truffle wings).

    • I contracted with the CEO of a major pan-Asian hostel chain to help perform a financial roll up and identify acquisition and new growth targets.


I like to think I do some pretty cool sh*t outside of work too. I am someone’s partner, a oenophile, an investor, a photographer, a dog mom, and a bunch of other things too.

Wine Student

  • I am a WSET Diploma Candidate. I love drinking wine, I love talking about wine.

  • I will often write about the intersection of wine, technology and business.

  • My north star is to own a vineyard & winery in Argentina

Adventurer & Athlete

  • I’ve hiked 4 of the 7 summits - the highest mountains on each of the 7 continents. I’ve conquered Elbrus, Puncak Jaya, Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro.

  • I swam the English Channel

  • I’ve competed in several NFL style combines.

Serial Philanthropist

  • Each year, I task myself with some athletic event - I’ve completed 9 Half Ironman’s, in previous years, it was an NFL combine - and partner with a cancer research organization to raise $. TBD on this year’s athletic event.

  • I’ve raised just shy of $1M for various institutions including Memorial Sloan Kettering & St. Judes.

Super Connector

  • I LOVE meeting new people. I LOVE helping others achieve their goals. My goal is simply to connect people who need to be connected. No. Matter. What.

  • I am an introvert who often needs “alone” time to recharge but I have made it a habit to connect with one person every day over coffee, Zoom, at the Wine store, wherever…

My writing is inconsistent but this is my online diary where I think things through “out loud”. I don’t have something to say every day, month or even quarter but when I do, it is memorialized here. I write for myself and I hope everyone benefits as much as I do.